Seattle Needs to fix it's new Tree Ordinance!

Rapidly changing Seattle is losing critical tree canopy volume. Planting and preserving trees has been touted as one of the single most effective means of heat-island mitigation. Yet, developers are scraping lots and unscrupulous tree services are cutting down trees illegally. Seattle needs to fix its tree ordinance and needs to enforce it. You can help!

Display a Yardsign

save our trees yard-sign

We’ve got pickup locations in Magnolia,  South Seattle, Greenwood, Greenlake, and Wedgewood and also can arrange a drop off.

Get Involved!

Contact City Officials

Send a letter to the Mayor, City Council, and tree-related department heads via our “Take Action” link.

To follow up with a phone call, contact your district council member, or just send an individual message, here is their individual contact info.

Get a Yardsign

Get a Save our Trees – Don’t Clearcut Seattle yardsign!


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